Law, Medicine, January 6th, and Constitutional Rights - A Lawyer and a Doctor Respond

Former prosecutor and DA candidate Lisa Chittaro and Dr. Stephen Guffanti, MD, discuss with me the medical and legal horizons as we head into a brave new world in 2022.

We ask, "are we happier, wealthier, more socially connected - and 'a more perfect union' - after the covid-19 government interventions over the last two years?"

Of course we are not!

And that fact is why we should rarely, outside of a war, look to the government as the solution to our problems.

PLEASE - support our fellow American citizens still being held in solitary confinement, without bail, after January 6th, 202. Guilty of some crime or not, these people are having their constitutional rights violated by being held for several months in jail without bond and without having a speedy trial, as guaranteed to them by the 6th amendment to the US Constitution.

Please keep on supporting small businesses. Locally on the FL Sun coast, please support Palm Printing, Scavenger's Marketplace, and Mixon Fruit Farms.


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